2. The Creator and being created

This video is a collection of the four questions under this theme:

2.1  What’s important about the creation story in a modern, scientific context?

2.2 What is our stewardship of creation supposed to look like?

2.3 What does it mean to be created in the image of God?

2.4 Why did God make mosquitoes and other bad stuff?

Here are some passages from Scripture to consider when you watch this…

Genesis 1:1-31 - First creation story

Genesis 2:1-25 - Second creation story

Acts 17:24-28 - Created to search for God 

There are so many more! Can you think of some?

The experts

The Most Rev’d Dr Phillip Aspinall 

Archbishop, Anglican Diocese of Brisbane 


The Rev’d Canon Bruce Boase 

Green Hills Anglican Community 


The Rev’d Jazz Dow  

Mission Chaplain, Community of the Way 


The Rev’d Penelope Jones 

Director of Formation & Lecturer in Homiletics 


The Rev’d Gillian Moses 

Chaplain, St Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School 

>>> Theme 3. Who Am I and What Am I Here For?