SFC Short Courses and Programs
If you’re seeking a deeper understanding of the Christian faith, St Francis College offers a wide range of study options including shorter, non-tertiary courses as well as university-level courses.
Our Offerings
Our courses are delivered both face-to-face (in person) and on-line. They all provide students with opportunities for critical thinking in their exploration of ideas about faith.
SFC Short Courses (online). Flexible online video courses delivered by theme.
The Anglican Theology and Practice Certificate. Structured learning, using the SFC Short Courses to skill people for ministry and flourishing faith lives.
360 Project workshops. Single day immersive workshops into elements of the Bible, or Faith or Mission.
Anglican Identity. A short course on the concepts that give insights into just what comprehensive Anglican faith is all about.
Spiritual Direction Formation Program. Learn to foster intimacy with God through deep listening and contemplative conversation.
The Art of Contemplative Listening. Learn to listen deeply to the whisper of the Divine within.
Personal Enrichment Program. Deepen your knowledge and appreciation of the Christian faith by sitting in on lectures.
For general information please contact admin@ministryeducation.org.au or call (07) 3514 7400.
Additonal Information
Auditing is a university unit is also possible. Participation in university classes is in a “not for credit” way, that is, as observers who do not complete assessment tasks and do not gain accreditation for an award by participating in this way.