Our academic staff not only impart knowledge, but also seek to give students the skills to think critically and enrich their understanding, so that they can integrate knowledge with personal belief and practice and grow in both understanding and faithfulness.

Reverend Dr Ruth Mathieson

Executive Director and Principal

Assoc. Prof. Peter Kline

Lecturer in Systematic Theology | Research Co-ordinator

Reverend Olaf Anderson

College Chaplain

Reverend Dr Wendi Sargeant

Academic Dean | Lecturer in Practical Theology


Eve James 

Library Manager, Roscoe Library  


Dale Keenan

Director of the Spiritual Direction Formation Program


Fiona Hammond

Lay Ministry Education Projects Officer


Jonathan Sargeant

Director of Lay Education | Lecturer in Practical Theology


Reverend Canon Dr Marian Free

Sessional Lecturer in Biblical Studies | Canon St John’s Cathedral

Dr David Neville

Sessional Lecturer in Bliblical Studies

Reverend Dr Gregory Jenks

Sessional Lecturer in Biblical Studies and Biblical Languages

Reverend Zoe Browne

Sessional Tutor in Biblical Languages (Hebrew)


Reverend Dr Ceridwen Wynne

Sessional Lecturer in Practical Theology


Chris Montgomery

Sessional Tutor in Biblical Languages (Greek)


Adjunct Professor Stephen Pickard

Sessional Lecturer in Systematic Theology


Reverend Assoc. Prof. Matthew Anstey

Sessional Lecturer in Biblical Studies and Biblical Languages (Hebrew)


Linda Burridge

St Francis College


Dr Matthew Beckmann

Sessional Lecturer in
Church History


Reverend Dr Anita Monro

Sessional Lecturer in Systematic Theology


Dr Janice McRandal

Sessional Lecturer in Systematic Theology


Dr Katherin Papadopoulos

Sessional Lecturer in Church History