This video is a collection of the six questions under this theme:
6.1 What do Christians believe about destiny and fate?
6.2 What does the Christian tradition/bible/church believe happens when someone dies?
6.3 Why do people have to die?
6.4 What do Christians believe about heaven and hell?
6.5 My loved ones don’t believe in God. What can I say when they are faced with death and dying?
6.6 What hope does the Christian faith offer about what comes next?
Here are some passages from Scripture to consider when you watch this…
John 14:1-12 – “In my father's house there are many dwelling places…”
Luke 22:7-20 – This is my body, this is my blood
2 Corinthians 4:8-18 – Life is tough but good stuff is coming!
Revelation 21:1-7 – A new Heaven and a new Earth
There are so many more! Can you think of some?
The experts
The Most Rev’d Dr Phillip Aspinall
Archbishop, Anglican Diocese of Brisbane
The Rev’d Canon Bruce Boase
Green Hills Anglican Community
Dr Major Marie-Louise Craig
Lecturer in Biblical Languages
The Rev’d Jazz Dow
Mission Chaplain, Community of the Way
The Right Rev’d Cameron Venables
Bishop, Anglican Diocese of Brisbane