Reading the Bible 2: Introduction to Biblical Languages


A familiarity with the basic structures of biblical languages is essential to biblical studies. In this unit, students are introduced to Biblical Hebrew and Biblical Greek and the grammatical and lexical tools used in learning and translating these languages. Students will gain skills in the use of lexical and grammatical tools that will allow them to engage more deeply with biblical texts in their second and third years.


One Semester


Second semester



Delivery Mode

Mixed Mode - onsite or online



Should you want information about the readings for this unit, please contact your lecturer. Otherwise, all readings will be available through the unit ARK site two weeks prior to the beginning of the semester.

Prescribed Texts


  1. Multiple Choice Quizzes or Tests - Quiz. Weighting 20%

    Multiple choice quiz and short answer questions on Greek and Hebrew.

  2. Multiple Choice Quizzes or Tests - Quiz. Weighting 20%

    Multiple choice quiz and short answer questions on Greek and Hebrew.

  3. Skill Demonstration - Online Weekly Tasks. Weighting 20%

    Weekly online tasks to practice translation and support the development of skills in using lexicons.

  4. Written Examination - Exam. Weighting 40%

    Exam on the Hebrew and Greek alphabets, key grammar and vocabulary, and short translations of scaffolded passages from both languages.


This subject will involve:

  • One on-campus 2 hour lecture per week

  • One on-campus 1 hour tutorial per week

  • Online preparation & reading 3 hours per week

Learning Outcomes

Students completing this unit will:  

  • Reproduce the Hebrew and Greek alphabets.

  • Demonstrate a limited understanding of Hebrew and Greek grammar.

  • Use key Hebrew and Greek vocabulary to complete translations.

  • Use lexicons and grammars to support translation of biblical texts.