Mystical Theology: The Ecstasy of God

CT2002Z / CT9002Z

This unit introduces students to texts and figures at the limits of theological knowledge and experience. A diversity of mysticisms will be explored, including those within authorised theological traditions as well as experiential and bodily mysticisms that transgress official theological discourses and practices. Attention will be given to the relationship between mysticism and various forms of life in the world—including politics, ecclesiology, and the arts.


One Semester


Second semester



Delivery Mode

Mixed Mode - onsite or online


Eight foundational units including the first year capstone to be completed prior to enrolment . For exemptions, please contact the Registrar.

Should you want information about the readings for this unit, please contact your lecturer. Otherwise, all readings will be available through the unit ARK site two weeks prior to the beginning of the semester.

Prescribed Texts


  1. Seminar or Tutorial - Weekly Participation and Discussion Forum. Weighting 10%

    Students must make substantive contributions to classroom discussion in at least 10 classes (or in the forum) in order to receive 10 marks. 

  2. Multiple Choice Quizzes or Tests - Quiz. Weighting 20%

    Conceptual quiz based on unit readings that allows students to demonstrate mastery of their knowledge and engagement with class materials.

  3. Oral Presentation - Oral Presentation. Weighting 30%

    5-7 minute Oral Presentation – written tutorial essay or explication (if it is an experiential presentation) to be submitted.

  4. Essay - Essay / Creative Project. Weighting 40%

    Argumentative essay (2000 words) or a creative project with a (1000-1500) word explication or reflection.


This subject will involve:

  • One on-campus 2 hour lecture per week

  • One on-campus 1 hour tutorial per week

  • Online preparation & reading 2 hours per week

Learning Outcomes

Students completing this unit will:  

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the history of mystical theology, including key figures and concepts.

  • Demonstrate the ability to analyse theological concepts through active engagement with historical discourses and contemporary contexts.

  • Engage in peer learning through classroom discussions.