Theology in Context: A Case Study (Eco-Theology)
In this unit, a case study of a contemporary genre of theology will allow students to practice theology as an inter-disciplinary endeavour that listens to and speaks into the crises, demands, challenges, and opportunities of the contemporary world. Each iteration of the unit will focus on a specific inter-disciplinary site of theology. Foci may include, but are not limited to, ecological, disability, Indigenous, feminist, or inter-religious theologies.
One Semester
Second semester
Delivery Mode
Mixed Mode - onsite or online
Sixteen foundational units including the first and second year capstones to be completed prior to enrolment . For exemptions, please contact the Registrar.
Should you want information about the readings for this unit, please contact your lecturer. Otherwise, all readings will be available through the unit ARK site two weeks prior to the beginning of the semester.
Prescribed Texts
Seminar or Tutorial - Participation. Weighting 10%
Students must make substantive contributions in at least 10 classes in order to receive 10 marks.
Essay. Weighting 45%
In-depth critical essay on the theological approach (case study).
Oral Presentation. Weighting 45%
Oral Presentation based on the essay due in study week. 30-minute presentation.
This subject will involve:
One on-campus 2 hour lecture per week
One on-campus 1 hour tutorial per week
Online preparation & reading 2.5 hours per week
Learning Outcomes
Students completing this unit will:
1. Demonstrate an advanced synthesis of some of the major issues and themes from the theological approach (’case study’), and reflect in depth on its development, context, and significance.
2. Demonstrate the ability to engage and critique in detail with a particular text, theme, or problem from within the field of the theological approach (’case study’).
3. Engage in peer learning through classroom discussions.