From Birth to Death: Life, Loss and Liturgy

DL3001Z / DL9031Z

Humans develop and grow through many different life-stages from pregnancy to death, each of which calls for theological reflection and liturgical response. The church celebrates and marks these life-processes through its liturgical life which has developed over time and will continue to respond to the changing ways that communities and individuals engage with their faith. In this unit, these key liturgical moments will be explored theologically and practically. Students will have an opportunity to develop skills in writing and leading liturgy for the church as it engages with and celebrates the life of its members.


One Semester


First semester



Delivery Mode

Mixed Mode - onsite or online


Students will be expected to have completed first and second years including the second year capstone prior to enrolment . For exemptions, contact the Registrar.

Required Text/s 

Day, Juliette J. Reading the Liturgy: An Exploration of Texts in Christian Worship. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2014. 

Recommended Text/s 

See unit reading list.

Prescribed Texts


  1. Participation: Weeks 2-11. Weighting 15%

  2. Essay: Week 8. Weighting 35%

  3. Project: Weeks 4&12. Weighting 50%


This subject will involve:

  • Directed Online Learning 1 hour per week

  • Personal Theological Reflection 2 hours per week

  • Content Workshop 1 hour per week

  • Experiential Group Process Workshop 1 hour per week

Learning Outcomes

Students completing this unit will:  

  • Understand the role of incarnational theology in the liturgical celebration of human life. 

  • Explain how liturgical theology is applied to human life across the lifespan. 

  • Evaluate the gaps within the Church’s liturgy in celebrating the diverse milestones of human living 

  • Engage in planning for, developing and presenting liturgy addressing a critical human life milestone