Master of Theology

The Master of Theology enables students with an undergraduate degree in theology or ministry to apply an advanced body of knowledge in theology and its associated disciplines. Students deepen their engagement with select areas of study to prepare them for professional practice and further learning.

On site at St Francis College Milton and/or by Zoom

Study Mode

Full-time 2 years / Part-time up to 5 years


Course Highlights

You'll be introduced to four main sub-disciplines of theology: Biblical studies, church history, systematic and practical theology subjects. You'll also have the opportunity to choose elective subjects within these disciplines to tailor your studies to meet your interests.

Career Opportunities

The skills and attributes you gain in the Master of Divinity are valued in a broad range of careers.

Graduates who have completed a Minor Thesis at a specified standard may be eligible for admission to a higher degree by research.


Successful completion of an undergraduate degree.

Satisfactory completion of 10 units


Graduates of the Master of Theology:

  1. have advanced knowledge of sources, terms and concepts required in theology and its related disciplines

  2. have mastery of research principles and methods, including analytical and communication skills applicable to theology and its related disciplines

  3. have advanced skills of interpretation and critical reflection on a range of theological and related disciplines, with awareness of implications and applications to historical and contemporary issues and contexts, in order to generate and evaluate ideas for professional practice and further learning

  4. articulate and communicate knowledge and insights in theology and its related disciplines to specialist and non-specialist audiences

  5. apply relevant theological and hermeneutical skills through the execution of a substantial research-based project, capstone experience, theological synthesis or supervised ministry project.



All students regardless of their course of study, are strongly encouraged to contact the Registrar, Linda Burridge, to discuss their course of study prior to making any subject selections.

Biblical Studies

Biblical Languages

Please contact the Academic Dean for further information

Church History

Mission & Ministry


Systematic Theology

The Master of Theology requires the completion of 10 standard postgraduate units. Fees for 2024 are $3,172 per standard unit or $19,032 for a full-time year (6 units).

Fees are subject to change from year to year. For more information about fees, please visit the Fees page.
