Brisbane Open House
Saturday 7 October 10am - 4pm
Sunday 8 October 11am - 4pm
Tour local historic treasures Old Bishopsbourne (1868) and the Chapel of the Holy Spirit (1912)
Free tours each day at 1pm, 2pm and 3pm
As well, St Francis College, the School of Philosophy Brisbane and Milton-Auchenflower Anglicans invite you to join us for a...
Community Spring Fair
Saturday 7 October 10am - 4pm
Devonshire teas, plants, cakes, sausage sizzle, face painting and more
Walk the Labyrinth too!
And also at St Francis College,
Noosa Camino - art in the Chapel
Saturday 7 October 11 am
Artist Lindsay Farrell will speak about his Noosa Camino series of paintings, currently on display in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit. “Camino” (Spanish for “the way”) denotes a pilgrim walking route. Noosa Camino is a series of images and reflections developed while walking in the Noosa National Park.