We are approaching Holy Week and if you were interested in worshipping on site, here is the list of services in the Chapel. All are welcome.
Palm (Passion) Sunday 8:30am with Blessing of Palms and Reading of the Passion according to St Luke
Maundy Thursday 12:30pm Eucharist with Silent meditation followed by a brief reflection and stripping of the altar and foot-washing
Good Friday 8:30am Hour at the Cross
6:00pm Tenebrae Cantor Service: a liturgy 'of the dark' - a beautiful chant and singing to commemorate the sufferings and death of Christ, as the candles are extinguished.
Easter Day 8.30am Sung Eucharist
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Earlier Event: 13 March
A Seminar with Michael Trainor
Later Event: 26 May
Position Vacant - Director AYCF