Forming Disciples: Third Year Capstone

XD3001Z / XD9001Z

Forming Disciples is focused on developing skills in leadership for students preparing for ordination or other leadership roles within the Anglican Church. This unit builds on the rest of the Mission and Mission stream and integrates the concepts of practical theology, pastoral care, communicating the Word of God and leadership with practical skills-based workshops. This unit has in-built skills clinics where students will have opportunities to hone their practice in preparation for completion of their degree. The final portfolio presentation will allow students to demonstrate how their studies have developed their personal practice of ministry in a variety of missional contexts.


One Semester


Second semester



Delivery Mode

Mixed Mode - onsite or online


Sixteen foundational units including the first and second year capstones to be completed prior to enrolment . For exemptions, please contact the Registrar.

Should you want information about the readings for this unit, please contact your lecturer. Otherwise, all readings will be available through the unit ARK site two weeks prior to the beginning of the semester.

Prescribed Texts


  1. Essay - Critical Incident Analysis Weighting 70%

  2. Portfolio - Written Reflection and Oral Presentation Weighting 30%


This subject will involve:

  • One on-campus 2 hour lecture per week

  • One on-campus 1 hour tutorial per week

  • Online preparation & reading 2.5 hours per week

Learning Outcomes

Students completing this unit will:  

1. Evaluate the knowledge and skills developed over the course of the degree in the context of formation for ministry.

2. Reflect on ministry skills, including but not limited to: pastoral care, communication of the Word in diverse contexts and leading worship.

3. Analyse approaches to effective leadership of faith communities.

4. Synthesise and apply theoretical approaches to leadership for faith communities.