Wendi Sargeant

Reverend Dr Wendi Sargeant

Sessional Lecturer in Practical Theology

PhD (UQ), MTheol (Brisbane College of Theology), GradDip Theol (Brisbane College of Theology), Dip Teaching

Contact Details

📞 0400 481 866

✉️ wendi.sargeant@anglicanchurchsq.org.au


Wendi Sargeant is a Uniting Church Minister of the Word and a Hospital Chaplain with an ecumenical/multi-faith team at Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital.

She is also a lecturer in Practical Theology, with over twenty years’ experience innovating in congregational, educational and wider church life.

Wendi has also lectured permanently and sessionally for Charles Sturt University, the University of Queensland and the Australian Catholic University in Practical Theology, Worship and Liturgy, Pastoral Care, Christian Formation, Apologetics and UCA Studies.

Her PhD, from Queensland University, was in Religious Studies - Practical Theology. It covered Christian formation in a postmodern context, particularly through worship. Her academic interests include art as postmodern apologetic, pastoral care and liturgy as formative for people of faith.

Wendi is married and lives with her partner, Murray, and a naughty (but lovely) cocker spaniel, Pippa. She is interested in reading, painting, drawing, swimming and camping.



  • Christian Education and the Emerging Church: Postmodern Faith Formation. Eugene: Pickwick. 2015.

  • Teaching and Learning Creatively co-authored with Debbie Bodley and John Cox, Brisbane: YACMU. 1995.


  • “All the People Gathered Together: Doxological Approach to Faith Formation/Christian Education” in Uniting Church Studies Journal Vol 22, No.2, December 2019.

  • Various for Journey Magazine Uniting Church Queensland Synod (2011-2016)

Chapters in

  • Ghiloni, Aaron J. (ed) World Religions and Their Missions. New York: Peter Lang. 2014.

  • A Guide for Elders, Melbourne: Uniting Church Press. 1994.

  • 40 Great Kids Club Programmes, Melbourne: Joint Board of Christian Education. 1995.

  • Understandings of Mission – Contributor to National Catholic/Uniting Dialogue monograph and Bible Studies (2012)

  • Various unpublished courses (eg ORCA Curriculum 2019, Volunteers CARE Chaplaincy course, 2020), articles, Bible studies and papers on Christian education, Mission, Religious education, Theological Reflection, Youth and Children’s Ministry.

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