'Being Community' Series

During Lent a number of parishes in the Diocese, including Community of The Way, are focussing on the Beatitudes using Dave Andrew’s book “Plan Be”.

Early in March, a group of 18 people gathered at St Francis College for the first workshop in the Being Community series. The workshop was led by Dave Andrews, Community Builder and writer, and explored the radical implications of a community shaped by Jesus’ beatitudes.

We spent time reflecting on what constitutes a healthy community and then looked at the framework the Beatitudes provide us for building and sustaining flourishing communities where all people are welcomed and celebrated. Dave has reflected extensively on the beatitudes and has identified 8 virtues that are blessed in the beatitudes and that healthy Community's live by: Humility; Empathy; Self-restraint; Righteousness; Mercy; Integrity; Non-Violence; Perseverance.
