Jonathan Sargeant with Senior Lecturer Matthew Jones and the class
Jonathan Sargeant recently traveled to Ming Hua University in Hong Kong to lecture with students there, a first for the Anglican Theological College.
Working with an attentive group of postulants, school teachers and other theological students, Jonathan facilitated activities, lectures, group assignments and theological reflection to lead the group through 12 weeks of lectures in five action-packed days.
“This was a first for Ming Hua”, Jonathan said. “This was the first time an intensive subject has been delivered. It was a first for me too, lecturing overseas! But the students were great, with incisive questions, always eager to know more.”
“THL366 Christian Education is a subject that is very suited to mixtures of lectures, group work, discussion, and featured a unique version of online integration, too. We used devices continually to share information, thinking and research. Ultimately it was a great experience and I’d look forward to doing it again!”