Dale Keenan

Dale Keenan

Director of the Spiritual Direction Formation Program

B Ed (JCU); MASD (Uni Div); Cert IV TAE (TAE40116); Cert of Spiritual Direction (2007); Grad Cert Supervision (2013) (MUD); Arrupe Program (formation for Ignatian Givers of the Spiritual Exercises)

Contact Details

📞 07 3514 7429

✉️ dkeenan@ministryeducation.org.au


Dale Keenan is Director of the Spiritual Direction Formation Program.  In this role she manages the teaching and delivery of the four-year Certificate in Spiritual Direction, a one-year introductory course called The Art of Contemplative Listening and the one-year certificate course for training of supervisors of Spiritual Directors.

Dale has a Bachelor of Education and a Master’s degree in Spiritual Direction (MASD). Her teaching career was spent in vocational education working in TAFE (SA) and (QLD).  Dale was appointed to her current role at St Francis College in 2015. Since her appointment, the Spiritual Direction Formation course has gained recognition from the Australian Ecumenical Community for Spiritual Direction (AECSD).

Dale is a member the following professional peak bodies - AAOS (Australasian Association of Supervisors), ANSD (Australian Network for Spiritual Direction) and SDI (Spiritual Directors International).

Dale enjoys reading, listening to music, giving and receiving spiritual direction and supervision. She is a Giver of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises. She has been facilitating prayer and reflection groups to those living outside metropolitan areas for 20 years.


“Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius: Using Electronic Media to Provide Access to Spiritual Direction” Presence.  Vol 22 No 1, March 2016, 18-26.

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