
Growing Faith: Forming Christians in Multiple Contexts (DA2001Z / DA9001Z)

Growing faith and faith communities is a central question and concern for the Church as it confronts the complexity of its contemporary contexts, where engaging with those it seeks to form goes far beyond the Sunday School and the pulpit. From Godly play with small children to pastoral care in aged care settings, being able to communicate the Word of God in varied contexts is central to supporting the growth of flourishing faith communities that can adapt to changing contexts.  

In this unit, you will engage with the principles and skills of learning and teaching the faith through a contemporary and dynamic understanding of Christian education. The learning is kept contextually relevant through practice-based experiential learning.  

Subject Details

Duration One Semester
Availability First Semester
Core/Elective Core
Delivery Mode Mixed Mode - onsite or online
Prerequisites Eight foundational units including the first year capstone to be completed prior to enrolment. For exemptions, please contact the Registrar.

Prescribed Texts

Required Text/s 

Ward, Pete. Introducing Practical Theology: Mission, Ministry, and the Life of the Church. Baker Academic, 2017. 

Thomspon, Judith. SCM Studyguide to Theological Reflection. (2nd ed.) SCM Press, 2019. 

Day, Juliette J. Reading the Liturgy: An Exploration of Texts in Christian Worship. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2014. 

Recommended Text/s 

See Unit Reading List.


  1. Participation: Weeks 3,6,8,10. Weighting 15%

  2. Project: Weeks 4 & 12. Weighting 50%

  3. Portfolio: Week 14. Weighting 35%

Teaching and Learning Plan

This subject will involve:

  • Directed Online Learning 1 hour per week

  • Personal Theological Reflection 2 hours per week

  • Content Workshop 1 hour per week

  • Experiential Group Process Workshop 1 hour per week

Learning Outcomes

Students completing this unit will:  

  • Articulate conceptual links between faith formation, formation of faith communities and pastoral care, demonstrated in ministry practice. 

  • Demonstrate engagement with educational practices in faith formation across the human lifespan 

  • Analyse the roles liturgy, sacraments, and communication of the Word play in effective personal faith formation and faith formation of communities. 

  • Theologically reflect upon practices of faith formation in different contexts.