Spiritual Direction Formation Program

Four Year Formation course for those seeking to be a Spiritual Director

This formation program is made up of both theoretical and practical studies conducted in a contemplative learning environment using the contemplative/evocative model of spiritual direction. This model aims to integrate a contemplative stance in the student and the adoption of a contemplative stance towards their directees. It is evocative because its underlying philosophy is to evoke personal and spiritual growth in the student which flow onto their directees.

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Course Structure and Delivery

The course is made up of four years of part-time study comprising 250 hours of contemplative learning, 96 hours of a skills based learning practicum in supervised triads and 24 hours of engagement in individual spiritual direction. The course is delivered in two intensives a year - usually May and October. The May intensive is online, and the October intensive may be blended of online/face to face.

Course Outline

Please contact Dale Keenan dkeenan@ministryeducation.org.au or Wendy Dann wdann@ministryeducation.org.au if you would like further details or receive a copy of our Course Outline.


For general information please contact admin@ministryeducation.org.au or call (07) 3514 7400

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